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World War Z and Spammy Websites

Over the weekend I finally got to see the awesomeness that is World War Z. Short blurb on the movie: loved it, love Max Brooks and while the movie goes against a lot of things I believe about zombies, it was an amazing entry into the genre. Sitting in the movie theater as the credits […]

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Top Rankings Are Winning

A new study from the online copany Chitika says that the top listing in Google`s search results gets 33% of traffic, followed by a severe drop of 18% for the second position, and a mere 6.1% for the fifth position. These results mirror an earlier study that the same company made in 2010. Chitika says […]

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Business Gets Saved From Yelp

Recently a bankruptcy lawyer sued Yelp in a small claims court in San Diego, winning $2700. The McMillan Law Group sued the corporation after an advertising deal was not fulfilled. Julian McMIllan says that they initially decided to enter the deal because Yelp had recently become a good source of new clients for the law […]

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Primetime for WordPress

With everyone talking about Matt Mullenweg posting that a small exodus 72,000 blogs popped on WordPress on Sunday after the rumored $1.1 billion acquisition of tumblr by Yahoo, we’ve decided it was time to do a little ego-boosting for WordPress. WordPress Kudos Those who already have a WordPress can agree that the powerful tools behind […]

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Penguin 2.0- What Can It Mean For You?

Some Thoughts If you have been producing quality content online and continuously follow SEO best practices, you are already in better shape heading towards the new Google update than others. However, as many of you have discovered with past updates that even though you feel you are ‘following the rules,’ sometimes updates can alter your […]

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Link Dating, the Romance of Link Building

You know the trials and troubles of the dating scene. It’s awkward, funny, frustrating and sometimes insanely rewarding. A lifetime of commitment and happiness doesn’t happen overnight, and it takes to time to learn from our dating mistakes in order to find the right way to find the right person. I’ve found repeatedly that all […]

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Mobile Website Vs. Responsive Website

What are the differences between a Mobile Website and Responsive Website? In today’s internet world, users utilize multiple platforms to access the web.  Many folks these days use tablets, smartphones, and other mobile or cellular phones to surf the net or look up something they need at that moment.  A Mobile website is a separate website […]

How drumBEAT is Different

The online marketing world can be big and scary. Finding the right fit for your company can be difficult and very daunting, considering there are hundreds of companies telling you that they “will rank you number one in (enter numerical value here) days!!” We at drumBEAT don’t want to add to that scariness by throwing […]

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Good SEO Starts With Fresh Content

Keep Web Content Fresh In the business world, oftentimes first impressions are key when it comes to clients or customers making the formative decision to make a transaction with a business establishment. Having a website that piques a visitor’s interest, has a user-friendly interface and comes in a nicely developed website with SEO implementation can be […]

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Images & On-Page SEO

Images can be a quick and easy way to engage your viewing audience.  They also have ability to improve what your website is saying according to search engine language. The following is a quick summary of how to insert images and conduct on-page SEO simultaneously to ensure you are implementing the best possible practices. The […]

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